Bikes 4 Books

North Bend Masons sponsor the Masonic Bikes for Books program to encourage students to read. Each year North Bend Masons contribute bicycles to children participating in reading programs in local elementary schools.
Toward that end, North Bend Masons are happy to bring the Masonic Bikes 4 Books program to students in Snoqualmie Valley Elementary schools to establish a love for reading early in life. North Bend Masons sponsor the annual Bikes for Books program with the participation of Singletrack Cycles of North Bend.
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- Written by Admin
100 years - Central to the community

On Saturday, August 17, 2013, members of North Bend Mason’s Unity Lodge celebrated a century of service to the Valley with a moment of renewal. North Bend Masons struck a special coin for the occasion.
The lodge had been deconsecrated and darkened before then Grand Master of Washington, Bruce E. Vesper, ceremonially rededicated it for another 100 years of service with a symbolic presentation of oil, grain and wine.
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- Written by Admin